
With an intent to build and nurture a better future, the Foundation was giving scholarship to college going students from ‘Institute of Chemical Technology’ and ‘G.N. Khalsa College’ of Mumbai. The Foundation also distributes stationary kits to students from BMC school of Mumbai.

Merit Cum Means Scholarship

Scholarships Given to 375 students

Young Achievers Scholarship

Scholarships Given to 225 students

Stationary Kits Distribution

Kits distributed

4,000 Kits distributed to students of BMC schools

Contact Us
  • Official Address

    7A, Barodawala Mansion, 81, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018

  • Branch Office Address

    House No 18, Rattan Chand Road, Near Ram Dham Mandir, Amritsar - 143001

  • Email Us


  • Call Us

    +91-22 3513 6660

    +91-22 2490 0330

  • Amritsar Contact Number

    +91-7814 091 332

  • Branch Office Address

    House No 18, Rattan Chand Road, Near Ram Dham Mandir, Amritsar - 143001

  • Amritsar Contact Number

    +91-7814 091 332